Beef - Whole Cow

Beef - Whole Cow

500-600 Avg Weight

Whole Beef -  $5.00/lb hanging weight When you order a whole of beef you will get a variety of beef that will store nicely throughout the whole year to feed you and your family. An average whole cow will take up about 8-10 cubic feet of freezer space.


Average Take Home Weight = 412lbs

Freezer space needed: Approx. 8-10 cubic feet

Butcher cost is included in the $5.00/lb price.

This means you can enjoy steaks that are regularly $15-$20/lb+ retail for less than $8.00/lb along with lovely ground beef and roasts.

It can only be obtained by members of this Private Membership Association and is NOT for sale to the general public. You need to be a PRIVATE MEMBER to purchase this product