The Eggmobile
posted on
September 3, 2019
We don't run our cows through the headgate and dope them up with an overload of pharmaceuticals that make the meat so bad it kills the bugs, instead we always actively look at nature as a template to solve our issues, you'll find that will always give you the best answer because by design animals are land healing, only when us humans put animals in unnatural conditions do animals degrade and extract from the land and environment.
One thing you will always notice is that birds follow herbivores in nature. Birds clean up after the herbivores quite well. They pick out parasites, spread out their manure, and are the best sanitizers behind herbivores.
So here, always using nature as a template, we run our chickens about 4 days behind the cows as pasture sanitizers that come in and seek out the parasites and fly larvae in the cow patties and in doing so, they spread the manure patties out, so the land can more evenly digest the manure build up so that when the cows come back to that pasture there are no bitter repugnancy-zones from the overload of nitrogen on one spot from the dense cow patties, erasing those patches of unpalatable grass for the cows. Talk about a win-win. Truly symbiotic.
100 hens eat about seven pounds of crickets, grubs, and fly larvae. So while our cows get to do what they were meant to do here, our chickens also get to do what they simply love to do.

Those dark patches of grass you see in the pictures are where the cow patties used to be before the chickens came in and professionally debugged the area.
So in closing, the eggs we sell here are a direct byproduct of our clean and natural choices to not pump our animals full of pharmaceuticals, but instead, find a better alternative, and embrace nature instead of trying to conquer nature. That's regenerative farming, and that's the future.
This is simply inspiring to me, and I hope you will join us so together, we can heal the planet, and make food that's worth eating.
Thank you!